How To Invest In The Vaccine Race

Asset: 300+
Min Sales: $1
Payout 3 Days
*Profit Rate: 100%
Asset: 300+
Min Sales: $1
Payout 3 Days
*Profit Rate: 100%
Asset: 300+
Min Sales: $1
Payout 3 Days
*Profit Rate: 100%
Asset: 300+
Min Sales: $1
Payout 3 Days
*Profit Rate: 100%

Pfitzer & Moderna have recently flooded the media with bold news; both claiming immediate victory in the search for a light at the end of this never-ending tunnel.Is the news tradeable?

These future glimpses of a covid-free world are promising, and a refreshing breath from the otherwise mundane bleakness of bleak, covid-orientated daily news.

As of recently, there are now 10 apparent vaccine programs in phase 3 trials, and our vaccine dreams may be finally becoming a tangible reality.

Effective Vaccines

First up, Pfitzer and long-renowned partner BioNTech jubilantly announced its most recent breakthrough – a 90% effectiveness in preventing Covid-19 infection.

You may now be thinking, well surely it’s too late?Have I missed the boat?Not quite, it is still possible to act swiftly and get a slice of the multi-billion vaccine pie.

Firstly ask yourself, are you an aggressive investor?Or do you favour the cautious, more passive approach?

Moderna & Novamax

Perhaps suited to the more aggressive opportunity seeker – Moderna & Novavax both have the potential to soar.

Moderna has the potential to secure the first EUA trial, which should influence bulls and kick shares up a few more notches – there is also future opportunity in supply arrangements and gaining the stamp of regulatory approval.

Novavax is under the watchful eye of investors ever since its endeavour to find an influenza vaccine.

They are similarly in phase 3 of a flu/covid-19 vaccine that again shows serious promise.

Investment here may not reap the immediate rewards of catching the Pfizer climb, yet a future influenza vaccine makes Novavax worthy of the short-list.

Pfizer & More

For the passive investor- Pfizer, amongst a select few others may be a wise choice.

The graphs don’t lie, Pfizer has seen a steady increase that would put a smile on any long-term investor’s face, and there is no reason why this would change any time soon.

Be cautious…

Investing in these tricky times can be dangerous – a cautious, well-researched approach is highly recommended.

At any point, the new vaccine could fail in clinical trials and see shares plummet.

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