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Do you want an article about your product or service to appear on We will consider content contributions that meet these criteria:

  1. It is objective, balanced and only deals with the facts. Don’t “sell”, exaggerate benefits or avoid mentioning potential drawbacks. We only publish fair and honest content.
  2. It is at least 800 words long and properly structured with paragraphs and subheadings/sections.
  3. It is entirely unique written for and may not in any way resemble articles elsewhere.
  4. The information is fairly complete and not just designed to get a reader interested and then force him/her to go elsewhere to read more.
  5. There is at least 1 illustration/screenshot or other graphic that can be included in the published content. The image or a close resemblance must not already exist on any other site. Indicate where the images(s) are supposed to be inserted with placeholders in the text and matching names of the image files. For example [image1], [image2] and attach image1.jpg, etc. Dimensions: Max 700 pixels wide.
  6. If you want a broker review published, there are additional requirements. Please see our Plus500 review for an example of the information we need (plus anything additional that your service offers of course).

Email us text and images on:  [email protected]. Please note that we make no commitment to publish content even if all requirements are satisfied. We accept or decline content submissions entirely at our discretion. Thank You.